For Property Owners
Why do I need Green Joulez or other smart charging technology?
Well, technically, you don’t. You can either just provide free electricity to all of your tenants or condo owners who own EV’s or you can rewire your entire property to individually meter each parking spot to each resident. You then would need to monitor each parking spot to ensure only those residents were using their assigned chargers.
How is Green Joulez different from other smart charging networks?
What makes us different is our business model. We believe property owners and HOA’s have enough to worry about. Our competitors charge expensive monthly “network” fees requiring significant premiums just to cover the monthly SaaS fees (on average $30/month), let alone attempt to cover the cost of the infrastructure. We skip that step. We bill the drivers directly for the cost of using your chargers. We rebate a portion of the revenue to help offset the upfront cost of the charging infrastructure.
What are the benefits for my residents?
Well, that is easy. It is estimated that about 90% of EV charging will occur at home. Anyone planning to purchase an EV needs a charger. If you choose to delay installing chargers, your residents may find other properties to live in.
What are “idle fees” and why do public site hosts like them?
Many EV location Apps exist to provide the location of all publicly available chargers. Many site hosts (malls, stores, public streets, etc.) want to maximize utilization of chargers to maximize profits. In order to incentivize drivers to move their EV once fully charged, they charge “idle” fees until the charger is disconnected. While this is the fastest way to cover the cost of the infrastructure, we believe that landlords/HOA’s do not want strangers on their properties, so our locations do not appear on public networks. We don’t charge idle fees either as we don’t think it is practical to think your residents are going to move their cars at 1am.
What are my out of pocket expenses?
This depends on various factors such as how accessible the electrical infrastructure is relative to the chargers. We work with local, state and federal governments as well as local utility companies to maximize resources publicly available.
How does my property recoup energy costs?
Each charger we use is calibrated to measure the amount of electricity according to CFEP. Based on this usage, we reimburse the property owner on a monthly basis for the electricity used.
What do I need to do to allow my residents to use the chargers? What is my ongoing responsibility?
Just about nothing. We handle everything. All you need to do is direct your residents to our website or to the chargers which all have unique QR codes to register.
What fees should I expect to pay?
None. We have no ongoing technology network or processing fees.
Should we install private or community charging?
We encourage community charging, but understand that each property may have a different preference. We are happy to accommodate all requests.
My building has limited excess electrical capacity. What then?
Our load balancing technology ensures that we stay below the property limits. Occasionally, we will recommend upgrading your electric service. If this is required, we will work with you to obtain available public resources to help offset the cost.
For Residents
What is Green Joulez?
Great question!!! Well, Green represents the environment. As you already own an electric car, you know the car is over 50% more energy efficient. Joulez, well that takes a little more high school physics… A Joule is a unit of energy, named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule. We just added the “Z” to create more buzz about how we plan on joining you in the EV revolution.
Do you offer dedicated chargers? I have my own parking space.
Of course we can offer this. While we are trying to share our planet’s resources, we know that some people want a dedicated charger and that is okay. Please let us know that this is your preference and we can work with your landlord or HOA to determine the cost.
Monthly billing?
We charge the credit card you have on file about once per month. Usually on the monthly anniversary of the date you registered.
How much will I pay to charge my car?
Each charger has a calibrated meter to measure the amount of electricity used during your session. Depending on the equipment installed, chargers with screens will have the current rate displayed. Those without will have a QR code which, once scanned, will display the current rate on your smartphone. Unfortunately, electrical charges are like everything else in the world of real estate…location, location, location.
How does “load balancing” impact me?
Not to get too technical on electrical engineering, but most properties weren’t designed to host dozens of EV’s all charging at the same time. As a result, we sometimes will need to reduce the power provided to some EV’s to ensure that your property doesn’t overload the electrical system. Rest assured, we believe we will still be able to fully charge all EV’s connected to our chargers every night. In the event we can’t, we will work with your landlord/HOA to obtain the necessary upgrades to the electric system at the property.
What if the charger doesn’t work or I lose my RFID card?
We offer 24/7 service. Please call us at (914) 429-6880 or email us at support@greenjoulez.com and we will promptly look into the issue. To be clear, we are able to resolve most issues remotely, but occasionally we will need to visit the location to inspect the unit.
Can guests use the chargers?
Of course. As long as your landlord/HOA allows for guest parking. You can simply tap your RFID card and we will bill you for your guest’s electricity.
Does my Green Joulez RFID card work at all GJ properties?
Unfortunately, no. While we certainly have the technology to allow it, we are committed to ensuring that only residents of your complex have access to your chargers.
How do I guarantee the charger will be available when I need it?
While we believe EV’s will constitute over 50% of all cars within ten years, EV’s are still relatively scarce. We work with your landlord or HOA to install the appropriate number of EV’s for the building. We may launch a reservation system in the future, but we want to encourage EV drivers, who by the very nature of their purchases of EV’s, to share our planet’s resources, including our chargers.
Customer Support
Get in touch with our representatives by phone or email.